Almost every business, organization, and group works and communicates digitally with customers, members and staff. Even door, frame, and hardware businesses use various software tools and digital communication channels to serve customers. Invariably, these wondrous technologies will break, for whatever crazy reason, and require the services of “Tech Support” to get you back up and running.
However, as small businesses, few of us can afford a full-time IT professional on staff. Hence, we rely on the one staffer who’s the most “techy” or we periodically hire for outsourced IT services when needed. As a software vendor, and an IT professional, I see clients typically understaffed and under budgeted in tech support. If you are similar, don’t feel alone.
But, properly staffing, budgeting, tech support can actually become a competitive advantage.
Technical support can facilitate company growth by ensuring systems remain up and communication channels remain open. Tech support helps staff do their jobs more efficiently and with less stress.
In addition, tech support protects your business from viruses and ransomware. Security breaches and threats to data can become catastrophic to your business and your customer relationships. If a major issue or threat occurs, a tech support professional on the ready to manage the situation will immediately become money well spent for you, your business and your customers.
The Ame Group states that tech support remains an area many small businesses tend to minimize or ignore in annual budget planning. Often, new software purchases, like project management software are budgeted but not the ongoing tech support. The age old expression, “Penny wise but pound foolish,” certainly applies. Provide a proper level of tech support; your staff and customers will ultimately thank you.
Michael Schecter, IT Manager, Software for Hardware. You can reach Michael at