Engaging with customers can make or break your door, frame and hardware business. If you are in the project management or even the door software industry, then you should know how important it is to listen to your customers and your potential customers.
According to HubSpot, one of the most common reasons why customers leave or switch companies is due to poor service and support. Many customers want real time, efficient service, especially if you are running a business. Those in the door, frame and hardware industry understand the necessity of time. Completing orders and conducting regular operations need to be done efficiently and professionally. Job quotes and project submittals need to be accurate and timely. When efficient, professional and timely service is not delivered, a mechanism must to be place to receive the feedback. That feedback may not be pleasant but it is critical
When businesses interact and engage with their customers, specific feedback leads to new ideas and opportunities for success. Customers provide feedback, if there is an issue or concern, you have the ability, as a company, to make changes that better fit your customers. Take those lemons and make lemonade! Sometimes the best situation is the potential turnaround where by listening to a customers issues you can actually turn a raving madman into a raving advocate.
Not only does creating relationships between customers and their vendor make customers feel heard, but it can also allow for extreme growth within the company. As a software company serving the door industry, we facilitate a Customer Council specifically for the purpose of listening. Business owners can learn from mistakes and avoid any potential crisis’. Having reliable customer support, allowing clients to actively communicate and express ideas and opinions will benefit your door, frame and hardware business.
Cheryl Orsi, Senior Customer Relations Executive, Software for Hardware LLC, is based in Atlanta, GA. You can reach Cheryl at cheryl@softwareforhardware.com